Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Phase 3 of P90X and me

Okie dokie folks! I have officially started the final phase of P90X. I have two weeks until my brother gets home from the Marine Corps OCS and I can't wait for him to see how I look. I have been able to tell over the past several weeks that I am getting toned in more areas like my arms, back and the ab area. I still have that little bit of flab around the mid section and in my thighs that I want to get rid of, but it's not over yet!

Phase 3 of the P90X workout system shakes it up quite a bit, regardless if you are on the regular routine or the lean routine like me. During the first two phases of the workout system, the first three weeks are the same routine followed by a fourth week that is called your recovery week. During Phase 3 its more about no pain no gain. Instead of doing more reps with a little less weight to get the lean muscle mass, you switch it and try to do a little more weight with less reps. Weeks 9 and 11 are the same routine, while weeks 10 and 12 are a different routine. Week 13 is the final recovery week. So instead of 3 weeks of the same routine you get 4 weeks with two different routines to bust out the last phase of this extreme workout.

Here are some of my pictures before starting Phase 3. I'm almost there!!


  1. Wow! How long have you been doing the workout for?

  2. I am finishing up week 10. My little brother went to Quantico,VA at the end of May for 10 weeks so I decided to do the P90X workout system while he was gone. He graduates tomorrow and I can't wait for him to come home and see my results! Only 3 more weeks before I'm finished :-)

