Saturday, July 18, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Aloha everyone!

My name is Lisa and I live in Central Florida with my beautiful daughter Lilliana and my loving (and fun-loving) husband Sean. I've spent most of my life here in Florida, but I am originally from Texas and yes, I'm still faithfull to my favorite Texas sports teams!

My husband Sean and I have been married now for six years and our daughter Lilliana is three years old going on 20. Sometimes I look at her and I just see that teenager waiting to come out!! We also have two crazy dogs--Allie and Koa. Allie is a black labrador and Koa is a straight mutt. We think she might be part bassett hound and pit bull, but who knows. The one thing I do know is that these two dogs are so loving to our family and we wouldn't know what to do without them.

As for me I am a stay at home mom to Lilly. Back before I became a mom I thought that after I had a child I would go back to work after a couple of years, but now I could not imagine spending that much time away from her! Don't get me wrong, there are times when I need a break, but all in all motherhood is much more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined. As a stay at home mom I work with Lilly every day to help her learn and grow as a person. We have fun reading books and learning how to write our ABCs. I also try and teach Lilly about her Hawaiian heritage, and what better way to do that than to take yearly trips to Hawaii!

My mother is Hawaiian and we have been going just about every year to Hawaii to visit my grandparents since I can remember. Lilly is only three years old but she has already been to Hawaii four times--probably more times than some people will ever get to go. This past year my grandmother tried teaching her some hula dancing moves and Lilly just had a blast!

As for the rest of my family, we live pretty much halfway between both of our parents which is so nice for Lilly to grow up with her grandparents so close. I have a brother that is well on his way to becoming and officer in the US Marine Corps and I am very proud of him. My husband runs a hotel right on the beach near where we live and life is great!!

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