Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Movie Review -- Bedtime Stories

So I know this movie has been out for a while now, but I also know that my family wasn't the only one that hasn't seen it yet. So if you haven't seen this movie yet, this one is for you!

Many of Adam Sandler's movies aren't exactly child friendly, case in point, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and You Don't Mess With the Zohan. But I've noticed as in the case with many actors, that when they begin having children they want to make movies that their own children can actually go to the movies and see. Adam Sandler seems to have taken up on that idea and made the wonderful movie of Bedtime Stories. This past Saturday we decided to have a lazy family day. So in the afternoon we made a bowl of popcorn and piled up onto our nice new comfy reclining couch, and popped in the movie.

The premise of the movie is that Skeeter and his sister Wendy (played by Adam Sandler and Courtney Cox respectively) grew up in a small hotel owned and managed by their father whom would make up these wonderful bedtime stories when they were kids. Years later his sister has to go out of town and Skeeter must watch his niece and nephew, who inform them they need a bedtime story every night. So following in his father's footsteps he makes up his own bedtime stories, and the children add their own little tidbits as well. As can be seen from the previews, Skeeter's stories start coming to life.

The whole movie is so very family friendly and entertaining and it is really interesting to watch how everything plays out from Skeeter telling the stories and then what happens to him the next day. If you are looking for a family friendly movie that is appropriate for all ages and that everyone will love, Bedtime Stories is what you have been seeking.

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