Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Movie Review -- The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Now, I'm not one of these fanatic Twilight followers--I haven't chosen to side with Edward or Jacob, I haven't read the books, and I haven't joined any fan pages on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. With that being said, I did go and see the newly hyped sequel to the first Twilight movie. My sister-in-law is a fan--she's read all the books and really wanted to go see it. So last night we went and watched it. I did have to laugh at some of the younger girls walking into the theater with their "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward" shirts on and how giggly they were. I guess I can't really laugh too much since I was jonesing to see Transformers when it first came out, but come on, that was an awesome series back in the day.

I did enjoy this movie for all of its hype. The previews were very intriguing and the movie definitely delivered. I loved how the storyline of Jacob unfolded from him being just a friend to Bella to him wanting to be more, and for him to be a werewolf and a foe of the Cullen clan of vampires. I don't really want to divulge too much about the movie for those of you that have yet to see it, but you will not be disappointed. The visual effects of the werewolf clan transforming from human to wolf are pretty impressive; and when Edward goes to confront the Volturi, we learn some very interesting things as well.

Now I'm not sure if there are going to be three of these movies or four, but nonetheless, I think this franchise is going to be very enjoyable to watch. There are some franchises from the past that, in my opinion, the second movie is not really that great--The Temple of Doom, Lethal Weapon 2, Die Hard 2, The Empire Strikes Back, and Revenge of the Sith, just to name a few.

I will say this: the ending of the movie has a definite cliffhanger and will definitely leave you waiting for the third installment that is due out next year.

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